Following the death of your uncle, you gain ownership of his farm. Although you initially planned on selling it, you have a change of heart and decide to be a farmer! Unfortunately, your uncle accumulated big debt to the local business tyrant. It's up to you to earn enough money to pay it back or you will lose the farm!
Manage your farm, go around talking to the villagers and forming friendships, start dating then get married and more in Harvest Master: Farm Sim!
Harvest Master: Farm Sim Features
• Four seasons, each with their own unique selection of crops that can be grown
• Play as a male farmer or a female farmer
• Several festivals including Animal Festivals and Crop Festivals
• 3 bachelorettes and 3 bachelors for a total of 6 marriageable villagers!
• Scenes with marriage candidates when you are friends, dating and married
• Propose to your love OR wait for them to want to propose to you
• Three different types of animals: Cows, Sheep and Chickens!
• Mining for different types of ore and gems such as silver, gold and diamonds
• Build new and better tools at the blacksmith using ore you have mined
• Go fishing at the pier
Lenna: She is the co-owner of the Item Shop. She works hard and is excited to have a new face around.
Vanessa: When it comes to building tools, she's the best. She's tough and loves to mine.
Rachel: The shyest of all the villagers. She works at the Shipping Facility with her forgetful grandpa and dreads customers.
Kaitlyn: Only available in paid version.
Isabella: Only available in paid version.
Jacob: He runs the Item Shop with his sister, Lenna. He prides himself in being as lazy as he possibly can.
Malcolm: The sea is in his blood. He loves fishing, swimming, drinking water... Pretty much anything to do with water!
Kyle: He's always moving, whether the sun is out or the moon. He loves exercising, sports and competitions and hates to lose.
Daniel: Only available in paid version.
Rick: Only available in paid version.
Note: This version is free to play from beginning to end. It is ad supported and contains reduced energy compared to the paid version and has no fast forward button.
Setelah kematian paman Anda, Anda mendapatkan kepemilikan tanah pertaniannya. Meskipun Anda awalnya direncanakan pada menjualnya, Anda memiliki perubahan hati dan memutuskan untuk menjadi petani! Sayangnya, paman Anda akumulasi utang besar untuk tiran bisnis lokal. Ini terserah Anda untuk mendapatkan cukup uang untuk membayar kembali atau Anda akan kehilangan pertanian!
Mengelola peternakan Anda, pergi sekitar berbicara dengan penduduk desa dan membentuk persahabatan, mulai berkencan kemudian menikah dan lebih dalam Guru Harvest: Pertanian Sim!
Guru Harvest: Fitur Pertanian Sim
• Empat musim, masing-masing dengan pilihan mereka sendiri yang unik dari tanaman yang dapat tumbuh
• Bermain sebagai seorang petani laki-laki atau seorang petani perempuan
• Beberapa festival termasuk festival Hewan dan Festival Tanaman
• 3 bachelorettes dan 3 bujangan untuk total 6 desa menikah!
• Adegan dengan calon pernikahan ketika Anda bersahabat, kencan dan menikah
• Mengusulkan untuk cinta Anda OR menunggu mereka untuk ingin mengusulkan kepada Anda
• Tiga jenis hewan: Sapi, Domba dan Ayam!
• Pertambangan untuk berbagai jenis bijih dan permata seperti perak, emas dan berlian
• Membangun alat-alat baru dan lebih baik di pandai besi menggunakan bijih Anda telah ditambang
• Pergi memancing di dermaga
Lenna: Dia adalah co-pemilik Item Shop. Dia bekerja keras dan bersemangat untuk memiliki wajah baru di sekitar.
Vanessa: Ketika datang ke alat-alat bangunan, dia yang terbaik. Dia tangguh dan suka saya.
Rachel: The shyest dari semua penduduk desa. Dia bekerja di Pengiriman Fasilitas dengan kakek dan rambut gimbal pelanggan pelupa nya.
Kaitlyn: Hanya tersedia dalam versi berbayar.
Isabella: Hanya tersedia dalam versi berbayar.
Jacob: Dia menjalankan Item Shop dengan adiknya, Lenna. Dia membanggakan diri dalam menjadi malas seperti dia mungkin.
Malcolm: Laut adalah dalam darahnya. Dia mengasihi memancing, berenang, air minum ... Cukup banyak ada hubungannya dengan air!
Kyle: Dia selalu bergerak, apakah matahari keluar atau bulan. Dia mengasihi berolahraga, olahraga dan kompetisi dan benci kalah.
Daniel: Hanya tersedia dalam versi berbayar.
Rick: Hanya tersedia dalam versi berbayar.
Catatan: Versi ini gratis untuk bermain dari awal sampai akhir. Hal ini iklan yang didukung dan berisi berkurang energi dibandingkan dengan versi berbayar dan tidak memiliki tombol maju cepat.
Following the death of your uncle, you gain ownership of his farm. Although you initially planned on selling it, you have a change of heart and decide to be a farmer! Unfortunately, your uncle accumulated big debt to the local business tyrant. It's up to you to earn enough money to pay it back or you will lose the farm!
Manage your farm, go around talking to the villagers and forming friendships, start dating then get married and more in Harvest Master: Farm Sim!
Harvest Master: Farm Sim Features
• Four seasons, each with their own unique selection of crops that can be grown
• Play as a male farmer or a female farmer
• Several festivals including Animal Festivals and Crop Festivals
• 3 bachelorettes and 3 bachelors for a total of 6 marriageable villagers!
• Scenes with marriage candidates when you are friends, dating and married
• Propose to your love OR wait for them to want to propose to you
• Three different types of animals: Cows, Sheep and Chickens!
• Mining for different types of ore and gems such as silver, gold and diamonds
• Build new and better tools at the blacksmith using ore you have mined
• Go fishing at the pier
Lenna: She is the co-owner of the Item Shop. She works hard and is excited to have a new face around.
Vanessa: When it comes to building tools, she's the best. She's tough and loves to mine.
Rachel: The shyest of all the villagers. She works at the Shipping Facility with her forgetful grandpa and dreads customers.
Kaitlyn: Only available in paid version.
Isabella: Only available in paid version.
Jacob: He runs the Item Shop with his sister, Lenna. He prides himself in being as lazy as he possibly can.
Malcolm: The sea is in his blood. He loves fishing, swimming, drinking water... Pretty much anything to do with water!
Kyle: He's always moving, whether the sun is out or the moon. He loves exercising, sports and competitions and hates to lose.
Daniel: Only available in paid version.
Rick: Only available in paid version.
Note: This version is free to play from beginning to end. It is ad supported and contains reduced energy compared to the paid version and has no fast forward button.